
First, instantiate a pyns.Neuroscout API Client object, optionally passing in your authentication credentials:

>> from pyns import Neuroscout
>> neuroscout = Neuroscout(email='myemail@emal.com', password='mypassword')


Google single-sign-on is not currently supported in pyNS. Please register for a Neuroscout account if you wish to use pyNS to create analyses.

The pyns.Neuroscout object provides a connection to the Neuroscout API, with each major endpoint represented as an object linked to the main pyns.Neuroscout object.

For example, using the attribute neuroscout.datasets, we can query the Neuroscout API for a list of datasets.

>>> datasets = neuroscout.datasets.get()
>>> len(datasets) # Number of datasets available
>>> datasets[0]['name'] # Name of the first Dataset

The available Neuroscout endpoints are listed here: pyns.endpoints, and currently include: ['analyses', 'datasets', 'tasks', 'runs', 'predictors', 'predictor_events', 'user']