Querying the Neuroscout API

For each of the available endpoints, the Neuroscout API provides a number of query parameters.

The valid arguments for each endpoint are listed in the official Neuroscout API documentation.

In the documentation, we can see that the name argument can be used to find a specific dataset.

>>> dataset = neuroscout.datasets.get(name='SherlockMerlin')[0]
>>> dataset['name']
>>> dataset['id']
>>> dataset['long_description']
'This dataset includes the data of 18 particpants who watched Sherlock movie and data of 18 participants who watched Merlin movie.'

Human friendly queries

pyNS` adds several conveniences to the Neuroscout API to make querying easier.

Typically, when querying the Neuroscout API you will need to refer to the ids of the objects you want to query. For example, to discover the runs associated with SherlockMerlin, we would refer to the id of this dataset, which requires first looking up the dataset by name and then using the dataset_id query for runs available:

>>> neuroscout.runs.get(dataset_id=5)[0] # First run of SherlockMerlin
{'acquisition': None, 'dataset_id': 5, 'duration': 1453.5, 'id': 1428, 'number': None, 'session': None, 'subject': '17', 'task': 45, 'task_name': 'SherlockMovie'}

To make this query easier, pyNS automatically converts all arguments ending in _name to _id, by looking up the corresponding id in the Neuroscout API prior to making the subsequent API call.

For example, we can ask for the first run from the dataset NaturalisticNeuroimagingDatabase, for the task 500daysofsummer by name:

>>> neuroscout.runs.get(dataset_name='NaturalisticNeuroimagingDatabase', task_name='500daysofsummer')[0]
{'acquisition': None, 'dataset_id': 28, 'duration': 5470.0, 'id': 1581, 'number': None, 'session': None, 'subject': '18', 'task': 50, 'task_name': '500daysofsummer'}


These conveniences are only available in pyNS, and not when accessing the API directly. For example, the official API documentation does not list dataset_name as a valid argument for neuroscout.datasets.get, and instead lists dataset_id as required.

Looking up Predictors by run

Neuroscout provides a large number of pre-extracted Predictors for all tasks and datasets. It’s important to note that the Predictors are always associated with run_ids rather than tasks or sessions directly, to enable maximum experimental design flexibility. This means that when looking up Predictors, we must refer to one or more run_ids.

For example, here we can ask for an arbitrary predictor associated with the first run of 500daysofsummer by referencing the run_id:

>>> neuroscout.predictors.get(run_id=1581)[0]
{'dataset_id': 28, 'description': 'Degree of blur/sharpness of the image', 'extracted_feature': {'created_at': '2021-05-05 00:52:59.856713', 'description': 'Degree of blur/sharpness of the image', 'extractor_name': 'SharpnessExtractor', 'id': 425739, 'modality': 'image', 'resample_frequency': None}, 'id': 40254, 'max': 1.0, 'mean': 0.8604099357979763, 'min': 0.0, 'name': 'sharpness', 'num_na': 0, 'private': False, 'source': 'extracted'}

pyNS makes this query easier by allowing the user to instead pass run identifiers directly, and automatically converting them to run_ids. For example, we can ask for a list of all predictors associated with the the task 500daysofsummer directly:

>>> predictors = neuroscout.predictors.get(dataset_name='NaturalisticNeuroimagingDatabase', task_name='500daysofsummer')
>>> [p['name'] for p in predictors][0:5] # Print first 5 predictor names
['sharpness', 'tool', 'subtlexusfrequency_FREQcount', 'subtlexusfrequency_CDcount', 'subtlexusfrequency_FREQlow']

Under the hood, pyNS looks up the dataset_id and task_id for the given dataset_name and task_name and then uses these to lookup the run_id for the given run.

Getting the predictor data


High-level utilities are available to facilitate this process. See the Fetching predictors & images documentation.

An important aspect of pyNS is the ability to retrieve moment by moment events for specific predictors.

The simplest way is to simply use predictor_id to query for a specific Predictor, for a specific run_id:

# First two events for Predictor
>>> neuroscout.predictor_events.get(predictor_id=40254, run_id=1581)[0:2]
[{'duration': 1.0, 'onset': 0.0, 'predictor_id': 40254, 'run_id': 1581, 'value': '0.03137254901960784'}, {'duration': 1.0, 'onset': 1.0, 'predictor_id': 40254, 'run_id': 1581, 'value': '0.0196078431372549'}]

However, as before, we can make this simpler by taking advantage of pyNS’s convenience features, and querying using the names directly. Let’s try looking up a Predictor named speech for the task MerlinMovie:

>>> neuroscout.predictor_events.get(predictor_name='speech', dataset_name='SherlockMerlin', task_name='MerlinMovie')[0:2]
[{'duration': 0.30100000000000016, 'onset': 72.422, 'predictor_id': 12725, 'run_id': 134, 'value': '1'}, {'duration': 0.30100000000000016, 'onset': 72.422, 'predictor_id': 12725, 'run_id': 117, 'value': '1'}]


PredictorEvents are primarily associated with run_id to allow for maximum design flexibility, such as each subject seeing a different stimulus. As such, the above results will contain all event timepoints for all subjects/runs for that Predictor. However, in many cases all subjects will have seen the same movie, in which case you can simply use the events for a single subject as reference.

Friendly outputs to pandas DataFrames

You can easily convert any query result to a pandas DataFrame. Simply pass the argument output_type='df' to the query. This is particularly useful for PredictorEvents, as the are naturally represented as a pandas DataFrame.

>>> neuroscout.predictor_events.get(predictor_name='speech', dataset_name='Sherlock_Merlin', task_name='MerlinMovie', output_type='df')

         duration    onset  predictor_id  run_id value predictor_name subject session number acquisition
   0         0.301   72.422         12725     134     1         speech      36    None   None        None
   1         0.301   72.422         12725     117     1         speech      19    None   None        None
   2         0.301   72.422         12725     118     1         speech      20    None   None        None
   3         0.301   72.422         12725     119     1         speech      21    None   None        None
   4         0.301   72.422         12725     120     1         speech      22    None   None        None
   ...         ...      ...           ...     ...   ...            ...     ...     ...    ...         ...
   25735     0.371  793.302         12725    1410     1         speech      25    None   None        None
   25736     0.280  793.673         12725    1410     1         speech      25    None   None        None
   25737     0.380  794.883         12725    1410     1         speech      25    None   None        None
   25738     0.180  796.358         12725    1410     1         speech      25    None   None        None
   25739     0.549  796.648         12725    1410     1         speech      25    None   None        None

   [25740 rows x 10 columns]

To make the interpretation of the query easier, pyNS automatically converts all columns ending in _id to their respective names. In the case of run_id, we fetch the corresponding BIDS entities (e.g. subject, number, session, acquisition) and add them to the DataFrame.


Asking for PredictorEvents for a dataset or task without specifying a predictor_name may results in a very long running query.